Loose Coupling Theory, Revenue Diversification and Financial Sustainability in Higher Education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Accounting, Kashan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof, Department of Financial Engineering, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Prof. Department of Accounting, Golpayegan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Golpayegan, Iran

4 Associate Prof, Department of Accounting, Kashan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran

5 Assistant Prof, Department of Accounting, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University Qazvin, Iran



Subject and Purpose:The current research deals with financial sustainability in higher education based on loose coupling theory and revenue diversity, focusing on Islamic Azad University. financial sustainability of Islamic Azad University is very important due to its independence from general budget of country and having a forty percent share in higher education. Dual regions of academic and financial sustainability through loose coupling can be used to create flexible academic units, network relationships and strategic thinking.
Research Method: The research has analyzed the relationships between loose coupling, revenue diversity and financial sustainability by means of structural equation modeling. The data was collected from the statistical community of Islamic Azad University through a questionnaire.
Research Findings: The results showed that structure of loose coupling is effective on university financial sustainability and this structure contributes to components of financial sustainability through a significant impact on revenue diversification .
Conclusion, Originality and its Contribution to the Knowledge: According to research results governance in structures of Islamic Azad University, which benefit from loose coupling and creation of symbiosis between logic of education and the logic of financial sustainability, can take advantage of changes from a fixed environment to a diverse one, changing the structure from a bureaucratic process to a flexible one and Management style changes from authority to collaborative processes, lead to reducing dependence on specific resources and help to create diverse resources and as a result financial sustainability. This research contributes to financial sustainability in higher education system presenting a new operational model.


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