Investigating the effect of market orientation on the financial performance of Iran Mines and Mineral Industries Development and Modernization Organization (IMIDRO) with the mediating role of uncertainty in the market and customer reaction

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Management, Payame Noor, Tehran, Iran

2 M.Sc. Department of Business Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran,

3 Ph.D. Student, Department of Management, Zanjan Branch Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran.


Title and Objective of the Article: Organizations strive for sustainable competitive advantage and increased profitability by leveraging innovation and appropriate strategic approaches. This research investigates the impact of market orientation on IMIDRO’s financial performance, with the mediating role of market uncertainty and customer reactions.
Research Methodology: This study adopts an applied approach and utilizes a descriptive survey method for data collection. The sample size consists of 164 participants selected through simple random sampling. The normality of data is assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The reliability and validity of measurement tools are evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. Model fit is assessed using the CvCom, Cv Red, and GOF indices.
Research Findings: The results indicate that market orientation significantly influences financial performance, with customer reactions and market uncertainty playing a meaningful mediating role in IMIDRO.
Conclusion and Implications: The ultimate goal of the study’s recommendations is to enhance IMIDRO’s organizational performance through the selection and implementation of an appropriate supply chain strategy, employee empowerment, the creation of a flexible organizational structure, and the utilization of innovative technologies.


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