Assessing the success rate of reforming the budgeting system from the perspective of government employees and managers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof. Department of Accounting, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 M.Sc. Student, Department of Financial Engineering, Ershad-Damavand University


The problems and challenges of budgeting in Iran have always encouraged economic thinkers and government officials to think of a solution in this regard. In this regard, a two-stage plan for each stage, including four sections, was approved by the Cabinet in 2002, and that plan was the basis for reforming the country's budget system. This research intends to examine the success rate and its challenges from the perspective of experts and managers, considering the 18-year period from the approval and implementation of the plan. Considering the objectives of the project, conceptual definitions were converted into measurable variables and developed in the form of a 7-step questionnaire. Participants in the study included managers and financial and budget experts of government organizations, including the General Departments of Planning and Budget and the Departments of Education, Labor and Social Affairs of the three provinces of Tehran, Alborz and Qom, who work in the specialized field of budget in government organizations. are. In general, based on the obtained evaluation, the overall goals of the project were estimated as average, which does not seem promising considering the time and cost spent in this regard. Meanwhile, the goals of the first stage were estimated as average and the second stage as below average. The degree factor had no effect on the results, but women underestimated the success of the project and managers generally overestimated the success of the project.


Main Subjects

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