Design and highlighting the technological entrepreneurship model in researching institutes of country

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. Student, Department of Government Administration , Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran.

2 Professor, Payame Noor University, Tehran West Branch, Tehran, Iran.


Subject and purpose of the Article: This research is aimed at designing and explaining the technological entrepreneurship model in Iranian research institutes.

Research Method: In this research, initially the technological entrepreneurship model in Iranian research institutes has been modeled and its components have been identified and investigated using a qualitative analysis. The relationship between the components of the model has also been investigated using the quantitative methods of confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis via structural equations. The required data was collected using semi-structured interviews and Delphi’s method. The statistical society in the quantitative section included managers of technology entrepreneurs in the research institutes of the country and, considering their unlimited number, a sample was selected through the Morgan-Krejcie Table using the cluster random sampling method.

Research Findings: The results of the qualitative analysis showed that the components of the technological entrepreneurship model in Iranian research institutes are comprised of policies, laws and regulations, the existing barriers, valuation, entrepreneur development, and solutions. In addition, 75 indices for these components were approved by experts.

Conclusion, Originality and its Contribution to the Knowledge: Furthermore, The results show that policies have a significant effect on laws and regulations, and valuation and imposition of barriers. The existing barriers have a significant effect on the provision of solutions but an insignificant effect on valuation. Moreover, valuation does not have a significant effect on the provision of solutions, while solutions can have a significant effect on entrepreneurship development.


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