The Effects of Personality Type on the Audit Quality (Case study: Evidence from Supreme Audit Court Auditors of Iran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assistant professor in accounting, accounting department, faculty of management and accounting, shahid beheshti university, tehran, iran

2 professor in accounting, accounting department, faculty of management and accounting, shahid beheshti university, tehran, iran

3 MA in auditing, accounting department, faculty of management and accounting, shahid beheshti university, tehran, iran


Subject and Purpose of the Article: Audit quality as a function of auditor's performance is influenced by his or her personality type. The audit quality of the Auditors of Supreme Audit court is of particular importance and its enhancement will improve the performance of the government. In this study, the effect of the personality type of Supreme Audit Court auditors on their audit quality has been investigated.
Research Method: This study is a survey research and applied research. The sample of the study is 263 Auditors of Supreme Audit of Iran, which is determined using Cochran formula.
Research Findings: The results show that the personality type of Supreme Audit Court’ auditors affects their audit quality. Among the personality types, conventional type had the highest and investigating type had the least effect on audit quality. But the gender of the auditor has not played a moderating role in the relationship between personality type and audit quality.
Conclusion, Originality and its Contribution to the Knowledge: The results of this study can help the Supreme Audit Court in recruiting new auditors, considering their personality type, thereby enhancing audit quality. This research is valuable for presenting a new approach in the field of audit quality and the effect that the personality of the Supreme Audit Court auditor on it.


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