Current Status of Factors Affecting the Establishment of Performance Audit System in Public Iranian Institutions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Accounting, Allameh Tabatabaii University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD. student in Auditor, Allameh Tabatabaii University, Tehran, Iran.


Subject and Purpose of the Article: The audit system is one of the active subsystems in the accountability system that plays an important role in evaluation of public sector institutions. As part of the comprehensive audit system, performance audit uses novel methods to evaluate performance, effectiveness, and economic gain of public and practical financial sources of executive systems in order to prove effective in evaluation of different types and levels of public accountability. Realization of this requires presence of the factors affecting establishment of this audit system, which has been identified in another study.
Research Method: In this work, the current status of the factors affecting establishment of performance audit system has been evaluated using the Triple Branch Model. 100 members of the Court of Auditors, auditors and experts of Ministry of Economy and Finance, senior managers and supervisors of operational audit of the Audit Office and presidents of Internal Audit Group of Tehran Municipality took part in the study.
Research Findings: Results of testing the study’s questions conducted by reputable statistical methods reveal that in current conditions none of the structural, behavioral, and contextual factors are suitable for establishing the performance audit system.
Conclusion, Originality and its Contribution to the Knowledge: The results from this study suggest that the current status of none of factors affecting the installation of performance auditing system are currently suitable for establishing this system. Therefore, special attention must be paid to improving these factors to establish the performance auditing system in the country.


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