The Comparative Evaluation of the Efficiency of Current Pricing Practices of Firms Approved by the High Council for the Implementation of General Policies of Principle 44 and the Modern Pricing Practices of Firms

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Bostan Abad branch, IAU, Bostan Abad, Iran.

3 PhD. student of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Tabriz branch, IAU, Tabriz, Iran.


Subject and Purpose of the Article: The purpose of the present study is the comparative evaluation                of the efficiency of current pricing practices of firms approved by the High Council for the         implementation of general policies of Principle 44 and the modern pricing practices of firms.
Research Method: This research is an applied type of research and is a descriptive research method. The base rate of each share is based on future earnings forecasts with the three proposed          methods and discounted to rates 30% on the   valuation date, as well as the base rate calculated by official financial experts according to models specified by the Supreme Council for the              Implementation of the General Policies of Article 44 of the Constitution, and calculate the results at the price of the first transaction and the geometric average of the first six months after Admission to the exchange is compared.
Research Findings: There is a meaningful difference between stock price evaluated by experts and the average price of the first six months after entering stock market.
Conclusion, Originality and its Contribution to the Knowledge: Stock evaluation model of firms by predicting and discounting future cash flows is more efficient. In other words, the use of classical valuation methods (at least publicly) in the           Iranian environment cannot lead to valid results, and contingent and case valuation methods should be used to evaluate the companies being outsourced.


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