Modeling of Effective Indicators on Tax Audit Risk by Interpretive Structural Modeling(ISM) IN Tax master plan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. student of Accounting, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.

2 Assistant, Department of Accounting, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.

3 Associate, Department of Accounting, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.


One of the most important challenges in developing countries' tax audits is the inefficiency of resource productivity, which has been implemented the Risk-Based Tax Audit in Iran for overcoming the challenge. Determining and modeling risk indices for taxpayer selection is a key point in the start of the risk-based tax audit process. Due to the lack of a theoretical framework on the factors affecting tax audit risk, the method is exploratory-combined (qualitative: thematic analysis and quantitative: interpretive structural modeling). According to the results, at the lowest level of the model, the general characteristics of the taxpayers as the most influential factor, and at the last level of the model, the "quality of interaction" and "how to pay taxes" are indicative of the taxpayer’s risk. The characteristics of taxpayers and their HR expertise lead to the use of accounting principles, existing legal opportunities, or even coverage financial transactions, in order to optimize taxation, which is reflected in the variables of the quality of taxpayer interaction and how the tax is paid.


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