Evaluation of agility capabilities in the organization under Western Azerbaijan Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Instructor of Accounting, Payam noor University, Iran

2 Instructor of Accounting, Payam noor University, Iran.


.The ability of an organization's agility to respond quickly to market requirements and customer needs are defined, the existence of an organization's agility criteria for sustainable long-term success of the organization. According to the daily changes in services and organizational tasks, the only way to succeed in providing better service and better quality building agile organizations. The agile business a fast, consistent and conscious that the ability to adapt quickly in response to unexpected changes and unforeseen events, market opportunities and customer requirements as well.

To be successful manufacturing enterprises should change their professional
It is this research to show whether the agility capabilities in managing the tax affairs of West Azerbaijan province is favorable or not? tax Affairs offices of West Azerbaijan province in three responsiveness, flexibility and speed are unfavorable and the favorable competence. The establishment of agility can contribute to progress and future challenges to the organization done.


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