Explaining Effective Factors on the Implementation of Public Sector Accounting Standards in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd.student of Accounting, University of Mazandaran, Iran

2 Associate. Faculty Members,Department of Accounting, University of Mazandaran, Iran

3 Professor. Faculty Members,Department of Accounting, University of Mazandaran, Iran


Since the introduction of accounting standards in the public sector in Iran since the beginning of 1394, the question of what factors can influence the utilization of public accounting standards is a matter of considerable controversy.
Accordingly, the present study seeks to investigate the factors affecting the implementation of public sector accounting standards, which includes organizational features and management features, in the reporting units of the country. For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared and distributed among 448 students and government directors and public sector institutions.
The results of the research show that among the organizational characteristics of the reporter, only the variables of the existence of the accounting information system and the type of recruitment of financial personnel, and among the characteristics of the manager's unit of the reporter, the manager's previous position variables, and the manager's political communication affect the implementation of public accounting standards, and other variables There is no significant effect on the implementation of public sector accounting standards.
These findings can be useful for planning and designing appropriate strategies for public sector reporter units to implement public sector accounting standards.


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