The present study aims at evaluating effects of social capital on improving accountability of public sector managers. The study consisted of all managers of state organs and institutions of the province of Kurdistan. The number of government organizations across the province to help 490 units Cochran statistic and the error level of 1% and 95% of the population is considered of 204. The research method was applied and the nature and description of the survey methodology. Data collection tool was a questionnaire. Its reliability was measured by Cronbach's alpha that the Cronbach's alpha higher than 0.7 in all cases, and this represents reliability. And to test hypotheses regarding the normality of the data, parametric statistical methods were used. The results show that is social capital and significant positive impact on improving the accountability of public officials is responsibility. In fact, public sector managers in areas with high social capital in the best way possible for the general public will be held accountable.
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Ghaderi, K. . "The Effect of Social Capital on Improving the Accountability of Public Sector Managers", Governmental Accounting, 3, 2, 2017, 31-42.
Ghaderi, K. (2017). 'The Effect of Social Capital on Improving the Accountability of Public Sector Managers', Governmental Accounting, 3(2), pp. 31-42.
K. Ghaderi, "The Effect of Social Capital on Improving the Accountability of Public Sector Managers," Governmental Accounting, 3 2 (2017): 31-42,
Ghaderi, K. The Effect of Social Capital on Improving the Accountability of Public Sector Managers. Governmental Accounting, 2017; 3(2): 31-42.