Performance Assessment Based on Baldrige Excellence Model (Case study: Division of Accountability of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance)



2 Director of the Department of Public Administration / University of Turquoise Mountain


The aim of this study is the survey and evaluation performance of department of supervision on the comptrollers of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance based on the Organizational Excellence Model of Malcolm Baldrige.
 In this study, used a standard questionnaire based on the Malcolm Baldrige model to evaluated staff performance of department of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance. To do this study was used of Organizational Excellence Model questionnaire of Baldrige. In the questionnaire, 29 specific questions are designed regarding performance evaluation of each area that among the studied samples were distributed which includes 110 of the based comptrollers in Tehran . The results of the collected questionnaire has shown that the performance of department of  supervision on the comptrollers is appropriate
based on the model of organizational excellence of Baldrige. The results of the ranking of the  variables has shown the emphasis on the areas of leadership, management and less emphasis on the areas of customer orientation is evident.
Therefore, based on the obtained results can be suggested the use of the Malcolm Baldrige model in evaluating the performance of other government agencies. 


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