Developing A Model For University Governance


1 Assistant Professor, Alzahra University, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Accounting, Alzahra University, Iran.

3 M.A. Accounting, Alzahra University, Iran.


Developing an effective university governance model at the higher education institutions and exploring its pattern index and components is the main purpose of this research. Also identifying effective governance barriers and challenges is another purpose of this research. In this research, university governance at Alzahra University in year 93 from the perspective of employees was subjected to scrutiny. Questionnaire was used for data collection. A total of 80 questionnaires were distributed among the employees of Alzahra   University, of which 49 were gathered. Data was analyzed by using Spss software testing. The study results show that this university is governed by board of trustees and managers who have middle competence. The responses show that there are good management structures at the university. Also other findings show that the University is faced with some challenges. The individual performance findings showed the results that are above the average. It was also indicated that the risk management quality and internal controls have average results in the university.
The necessity of improving effective governance in order to reduce the challenges ahead and better universities management are felt. In this regard, we have developed the Model thesis. The model consists of three elements, indicators and modifying factors that have a reciprocal relationship with each other. Strengthen each of the components will improve university governance.


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