Assistant Professor, Accounting Department, Islamic Azad University Urmia, Iran.
Lecturer in Accounting, Accounting Department, Payam Noor University, Iran.
We study the effect of privatization on financial and operating performance of Iranian governmental entities that privatized during 2007-2013. The purpose of this study is investigation the success of privatization program in reaching performance improvements. In this study the performance of firms that privatized by share offering tested by earnings quality, profitability, liquidity, operating efficiency, capital investment and employment indexes. The innovation of this study was initial use of earnings quality index in Iranian privatization researches. Dechow and Dichev (2002) model used to measure of earnings quality. The compare means for paired samples test used for each hypothesis. The earnings quality index and sales to employment ratio were significantly lower than before privatization period. The net income to employment ratio as other operating efficiency factor was significantly upper than before privatization period. Other indexes don’t show significant differences. The general result of this research is that the privatizing of Iranian governmental entities by public offering method has not been successful.
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J. bahrisls , A. Fathi Abdollahi and G. karami, "Survey the Effect of Privatization on Financial and Operating Performance of Privatized Governmental Entities that Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange," Governmental Accounting, 2 1 (2015): 31-40,
bahrisls, J., Fathi Abdollahi, A., karami, G. Survey the Effect of Privatization on Financial and Operating Performance of Privatized Governmental Entities that Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. Governmental Accounting, 2015; 2(1): 31-40.