The Effect of Healthy Lifestyle on Role Stress in Public Sector Accountants (Case Study: Employees of Tax Office in Sistan & Baluchestan)



The purpose of this study is the evaluation relationship among stress factors, job burnout,  mental health and healthy lifestyle to analyse the effects of healthy lifestyle as a mechanism to  encounter with negative effects of job stress on       public sector accountants. Research group included Sistan and Baluchistan’s tax  organization staff’S and for evaluating sample volume based on Kokran  formula, 196 were  selected as the statistical samples. Standard questionnaire of Jones (2010) has been used to obtain data. In order to analyse information statistically, distribution tables, average, standard deviation and multivariable regression and  correlation coefficient tests were applied to evaluate research hypotheses. Results showed that the job stress caused by burning out and induces from heavy job and its effects on physical health, has a negative effect on job outcomes. However, negative effects of job stress and too much  burning out in public sector accountants, can be removed by a healthy lifestyle which influences mental health.


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