Effective Factors on Customers, Satisfaction throughout Electronic Services (Internet) Provided by Melli Bank (Case Study: Customers of Melli Bank Branches in Mashhad)



Today, electronic banking plays an essential role in the banking industry. Banking industry facing challenges led banks to make use of electronic banking, delivery services and products throughout electronic banking. Moreover, they are trying to understand their customers' needs and everyday increase on service quality throughout electronic banking. This research tries to investigate the effect of customers' satisfaction throughout Internet services of Melli Bank. Aim of this research was investigating customer satisfaction of Melli Bank in Mashhad based on the End-User of the bank’s system. Moreover, we investigate customer satisfaction and individual variables like effect of variables (demographic). Based on the collected data, this study is a survey. Results of this research indicated on significant relationship existent       between some demographic factors like age, gender, education and customer satisfaction. The method is applied and to search for related statistical hypothesis testing and analyze data is used in SAS software. As well as the factors presented in the conceptual model associated with customer satisfaction and these factors have a significant impact on customer satisfaction.


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