A Comparative Study of the Qualitative Features of Financial Reports on Accrual Accounting Basis and Cash Accounting Basis in Medical Science Universities



In Iran, the public sector has used the cash basis in financial reporting which is not capable to compute the cost of services and do performance based budgeting. Therefore, universities of medical sciences of Iran have used an accrual accounting basis since 2005. The present study investigates the information quality of financial reports provided in universities of medical sciences of Iran, as a comparison between accrual basis and cash basis. Our sample includes 150 financial managers and experts in universities of medical sciences of Iran in 2013. Research data have been collected by means of questionnaire containing 36 proposition of 7-item Likert scale. Descriptive Kolmogorov and Smirnov tests were used to access the  normality of data distribution, and also T test and variance analysis "ANOVA" were used. Results of data analyeses showed that there is a significant difference between prepared information from accrual and cash basis in some qualitative characteristics such as relevance, honesty, understandability, timeliness, comparability, traceability, predictability and validity. As per the finidings and conceptual framework for general purpose financial reporting and approved Iranian accounting standards (1 to 3) of  public sector, it is compulsory for all public sectors to establish and perform the accrual accounting basis.


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