The Relationship Between Labor Productivity and Taxation of the State Tax



Improving the productivity of labor in organizations is one of the characteristic of modern advanced societies. Given the importance of human resources in the success of modern organizations, this study aims to examine the relationship between labor productivity in the State Tax has been made. The population of this research includes the total amount of tax within the companies (legal entities) during the years 1385 to 1392 that have been activated. In order to gather information, library research and questionnaires methods were used. The research method is descriptive correlation and the target is applied in order to investigate the hypotheses used in this research, the Prison Correlation and Regression test has been used. The results of the study show that among the factors of job satisfaction, job security, job quality, employee empowerment, improve staff training and career assessment and taxation task is a meaningful                relationship. The data was analyzed using path analysis, a conceptual model has very good fit.
The results of this research will help managers and executives in the organization's tax to improve the productivity of human resources.


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